Clinton J. Smith, Ph.D.
Contact Me
Clinton J. Smith
- Co-Founder and CTO at RIOS
- Senior Member of the Research Staff at PARC (A Xerox Company)
- Principal Scientist at Physical Sciences Inc.
- Nanotechnology for Clean Energy IGERT Alumnus
- MIRTHE Alumnus
- Princeton Energy & Climate Scholar Alumnus
Ph.D. Dissertation
High-accuracy laser spectrometers for wireless trace-gas sensor networks
Technical lead of SPHINCS.
Forbes article about SPHINCS.
Photonics Media: Ultrasensitive sensor causes stir at show
Princeton Web Video, 'Using Mid-InfraRed Lasers'
PARC Field Deployment of SPHINCS Sensor Nodes Using Printed Carbon Nanotubes to Detect Methane
In under two years, we built from scratch (including materials development) and deployed a wireless mesh network of sensors using printed carbon nanotubes to detect methane leaks. The deployment was to the CSU METEC center in Ft. Collins, CO.
PSI-Developed Product Field Deployment
Using the RMLDTM (developed by PSI) to take tomographic scans of simulated methane leaks in an experimental coal mine outside of Pittsburgh, PA.
Deploying the RMLDTM to a coal mine and taking data. Image featured on PSI's website.
Sensors Built & Deployed for my PhD
In-lab soil respiration measurement
In the field measuring soil respiration
First all weather deployment (Beltsville, MD)
Preparing for Hurricane Sandy
MIRTHE instrument after a Nor'Easter
The two CO2 sensors survive a Nor'easter
Real-Time Calibration Technique Developed for my PhD
Publications (Chronological Order):
[1] Michal Nikodem, Damien Weidmann, Clinton Smith, and Gerard Wysocki, "Signal-to-noise ratio in chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy," Opt. Express 20, 644-653 (2012).
[2] C. J. Smith, S. So, L. Xia, S. Pitz, K. Szlavecz, D. Carlson, A. Terzis, and G. Wysocki, “Wireless Laser Spectroscopic Sensor Node for Atmospheric CO2 Monitoring – Laboratory and Field Test,” Appl Phys B110, 241-248 (2013).
[3] C. J. Smith, W. D. Li, G. Wysocki, and S. Y. Chou, "Electric Current Tuning the Self-Oscillation Frequency of EC-VCSELs," Photonics Technology Letters,
IEEE 25, 1707-1710 (2013).
[4] C. J. Smith, W. Wang, and G. Wysocki, “Real-time calibration of laser absorption spectrometer using spectral correlation performed with an in-line gas cell,” Optics Express, vol. 21, no. 19, pp. 22488-22503 (2013).
[5] (Invited) C. Smith, R. Shankar, M. Laderer, M. Frish, M. Loncar, and M. Allen, "Sensing nitrous oxide with QCL-coupled silicon-on-sapphire ring resonators," Opt. Express 23, 5491-5499 (2015).
[6] C. J. Smith, P. Ramamurthy, M. A. Khan, W. Wang, S. So, M. A. Zondlo, E. Bou-Zeid, and G. Wysocki, “Infrared- Laser Based, Solar-Powered, Distributed Wireless Network for Monitoring Atmospheric Trace-Gases over Heterogeneous Landscapes,” Manuscript in Preparation.
[1] C. J. Smith, W. Li, S. Bai, and S. Y. Chou, "High Frequency Polarization Switching VCSEL Clock Using Subwavelength Quarter-Wave Plate," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper CMP6. (Presentation)
[2] C. J. Smith, S. So, and G. Wysocki, "Low-Power Portable Laser Spectroscopic Sensor for Atmospheric CO2 Monitoring," in Conference on Laser Electro-Optics: Applications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper JThB4. (Presentation)
[3] Stephen So, Evan Jeng, Clinton Smith, David Krueger, and Gerard Wysocki, “Next generation infrared sensor instrumentation: remote sensing and sensor networks using the openPHOTONS repository (Proceedings Paper),” Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XVIII, Marija Strojnik; Gonzalo Paez, Editors, vol. 7808, no. 780818, 2010
[4] Clinton J. Smith, Stephen So, Amir Khan, Mark A. Zondlo, and Gerard Wysocki, “Low-power wireless trace gas sensing network (Proceedings Paper),” Sensing Technologies for Global Health, Military Medicine, Disaster Response, and Environmental Monitoring; and Biometric Technology for Human Identification VIII, Sárka O. Southern; Kevin N. Montgomery; Carl W. Taylor; Bernhard H. Weigl; B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar; Salil Prabhakar; Arun A. Ross, Editors, vol. 8029, no. 80291G, 2011 (Poster)
[5] Michal Nikodem, Clinton Smith, Damien Weidmann, and Gerard Wysocki, “Remote mid-infrared sensing using chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy (Proceedings Paper),” Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies VIII, Tuan Vo-Dinh; Robert A. Lieberman; Günter Gauglitz, Editors, vol 8024, no. 80240F, 2011
[6] C. J. Smith, S. So, A. Khan, M. A. Zondlo, and G. Wysocki, "Temperature Impact on the Long-Term Stability of a Portable Laser Spectroscopic CO2 Sensor," in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper JWA117. (Poster)
[7] C. J. Smith, W. Li, G. Wysocki, and S. Y. Chou, "Drive-Current Tuning of Self-Oscillation Frequency of External Cavity VCSEL," in CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper CTuP3. (Presentation)
[8] M. Nikodem, C. J. Smith, D. Weidmann, and G. Wysocki, "Chirped Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy with baseline-free 2nd harmonic detection," in CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper CThT4.
[9] C.J. Smith, S. So, and G. Wysocki, “Wireless sensor network for environmental CO2 monitoring,” in Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR), 2011. (Poster)
[10] D. Richter, S. Meyer, S.M. Spuler, C.J. Smith, S. So, and G. Wysocki, “Ultra compact VCSEL based CO2 spectrometer for flux measurements,” in Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR), 2011.
[11] M. Nikodem, C. Smith, D. Weidmann, and G. Wysocki, “Open-path remote sensing of nitrous oxide using chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy,” in Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR), 2011.
[12] W. Wang, C. Smith, S. So, E. Bou-Zeid, and G. Wysocki, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring of Atmospheric Chemicals," in Renewable Energy and the Environment, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper JWE19.
[13] C. J. Smith, M. A. Khan, M. A. Zondlo, and G. Wysocki, "In-Line Reference Cell for Real-Time Calibration of Laser Absorption Spectrometers," in CLEO: Science and Innovations, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2012), paper CW3B.1. (Presentation)
[14] C. Smith, W. Wang, and G. Wysocki, "A Rotational Sample/Reference Cell for High-accuracy Real-time Spectroscopic Trace-gas Sensing," in CLEO: 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper CW1L.3.
[15] C. J. Smith, R. Shankar, M. B. Frish, and M. Loncar, “N2O Sensing Using a QCL-Interrogated Silicon-on-Sapphire Ring Resonator,” in Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR), 2014.
[16] C. J. Smith, R. Shankar, M. B. Frish, M. Loncar, and M. G. Allen, "QCL-Coupled Silicon-on-Sapphire Ring Resonators as Gas Sensors," in International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop (IQCLSW), 2014.
[17] Krishnan R. Parameswaran, Clinton J. Smith, Kristin L. Galbally-Kinney, and William J. Kessler, "Compact Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor for Sterilization Cycle Monitoring," in International Forum Process Analytical Technology (IFPAC), 2015.
[18] Mickey Frish, Clinton Smith, Richard Wainner, Gerrit Goodman, James Rutherford, Steve Chancey, and Paul Wehnert, “Laser-Based Standoff Methane Sensors for Enhancing Coal Miner Safety," in Pittcon 2015, paper 130-2.